It is normal to sometimes worry about everything that’s going on in the world. Following the news about threats and disasters can make you feel powerless, possibly causing you to experience stress or anxiety. It is good to know that most people find a way of dealing with their worries. Preparing yourself can help to get rid of your worries, as you will know what you should do in case something unexpected happens. It will make you feel more in control of the situation, which will boost your confidence. Preparing yourself is often quite simple. And remember: you are often able to do more than you think!

It is possible that you continue to feel worried. For example, about the consequences of climate change, such as flooding or extreme storms, or the possibility of a war breaking out in the Netherlands. If you notice that you remain worried over a longer period of time or find that this hinders you in your daily life, you can do something about this.  

  • Try to get a grip on your situation. Draw up a list of the topics you are worried about. Try to determine which topics you have control over and what you can change. 
  • Talk about it with others, for example a family member or a close friend. They can listen to your worries, provide support and maybe help you. You can find more practical tips on this website (information in Dutch). If you prefer to call and talk to someone anonymously, that’s possible. If your worries are such that they are preventing you from being able to go about your daily activities, contact your GP.
  • Set yourself a limit for how often you can check the news. Once a day is generally sufficient. Make sure that the media publishing the news is reliable, particularly online. You can find tips on how to do this on (information in Dutch).
  • Maintain a daily routine, eat healthy food and exercise regularly.  
  • Put together your own emergency survival kit, which will enable you to survive the first 72 hours after a disaster has taken place. That way you are always prepared for any eventuality. Discuss with family or neighbours what you can do together in order to prepare for a disaster. What can you do and what can others do? This preparation will help you. And by preparing, you are protecting yourself as well as others.