A website must be accessible to everyone. That is why functional-technical and editorial accessibility requirements apply to websites.

What is an accessible website?

An accessible website is easier to use for all target groups. That is why the Temporary Government Digital Accessibility Decree stipulates that government sites must meet accessibility requirements as laid down in EN 301 549/WCAG 2.1 and must be accountable for this in a published accessibility statement.

Accessibility label

The Think ahead website will be checked for accessibility shortly. The results of the research are described in an accessibility statement. 

Think ahead: Verklaring van Denk Vooruit (English)

Accessibility 'by design'

Accessibility has been part of all steps in the design, construction and editorial process of this website from the start.


Independent experts regularly test (parts of) our website for accessibility. Both for the functional-technical parts and the editorial aspects. We solve any bottlenecks sustainably.

Report accessibility issues

Do you have any questions or remarks? Or do you want to use a page that appears to be inaccessible? Please contact us.