Cookies are files that track what a visitor does on a website. This website also uses cookies.

Cookies for web statistics and research

This website uses cookies for research and web statistics. We do this to understand how visitors use the website. This information helps us improve the site. For example, by supplementing information or by improving user-friendliness. These types of cookies have no impact on your privacy. They therefore fall under the exception of the cookie provision in the Telecommunications Act. As a result, we do not ask permission to place these cookies.

Piwik for web statistics

The site uses the open source web analysis package Piwik for web statistics. We analyze this data. This makes the website even better tailored to visitors. We do not use the collected data for any purpose other than improving the website.

No tracking cookies

Tracking cookies are cookies that follow visitors while surfing other websites. This website does not use tracking cookies. The website therefore does not support the DoNotTrack setting of browsers. This site complies with the legislation applicable in the Netherlands.


Occasionally, research is conducted on this website among website visitors. In that case, the cookie survey status is used.