Empty shelves

Hoarding due to the coronavirus, missing products due to the war in Ukraine or blocking distribution centres. Recently, empty shelves have at times been seen in supermarkets. But food security is not at risk. There is enough, both in the Netherlands and in Europe. Should there be empty shelves or scarcity of some products at some point, it will take a few days at most.

Think ahead

  • It is wise to stock up on food that you can keep for a few days such as tinned beans, rice or pasta.
  • Hoarding is not necessary.

Government actions

The Netherlands is part of the European food market. The security of sufficient food in the Netherlands is regulated at this level. One of the objectives of the European Union (EU) is to ensure food security for all inhabitants of the member states. The EU is self-sufficient for most products. Scarcities may occur, but then alternatives for the product are often available.