Disease wave and epidemic

Contagious diseases can occur that make many people sick at the same time. This is known as a disease wave, epidemic or pandemic. Think, for example, of a flu wave or the corona pandemic. These are often diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. An epidemic or pandemic can have serious consequences for both public health and society.

Think ahead

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. Always do this when you come home or visit somewhere.
  • Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
  • Don't shake hands. Rather, give a head nod, box or elbow.
  • Use paper tissues to blow your nose and throw them away immediately after use. Afterwards, wash your hands.
  • Touch your face as little as possible.

Government actions

  • For the 'regular' flu, the Netherlands offers high risk groups and the elderly the opportunity to be vaccinated free of charge at their GP's.
  • The Netherlands is also preparing as much as possible for a possible new epidemic or pandemic.
  • If a disease wave, epidemic or pandemic breaks out, the government provides information on measures to prevent infection.