Rogier (47) works as a communications manager and lives with his wife and son in The Hague.
"I have sufficient long-life food and water for our family to be able to live autonomously for about two weeks. In addition, I have some standard things like a camping cooker, a first aid kit, a torch, candles and matches."
"Imagine if we were hacked and the water supply and electricity were no longer available? You can't draw cash at the ATM, the supermarkets are closed, there is no internet or water. Then it gives some peace of mind not to be dependent."
Rogier believes it is important to create awareness and to increase self-reliance. His awareness started ten years ago when there was a hurricane in the Caribbean. He saw images of the devastation and it really made him think twice about how self-reliant he actually was.
Rogier knows four other couples who also have emergency kits. "I encouraged them. Just like me, they don't want to be dependent and have taken care of it themselves."